Skin Picking Support holds online topic-based meetings monthly for people who compulsively pick their skin or have another body-focused repetitive behavior (BFRB) using Google Meet one Saturday a month, with the event link being shared in a Facebook event shortly before it begins.
The purpose of our peer-led support meetings is to explore the ways compulsive skin picking affects our lives while providing a safe environment for members to share their experiences surrounding BFRBs. Goals behind these meetings include improving member’s quality of life by reducing shame, voicing struggles in a place with those who understand, and gaining insight into managing urges.

One Saturday a month at 7:30am PT/ 10:30am ET unless otherwise stated.
A link in the Facebook event, provided the day of the meeting.
Anyone with excoriation disorder (skin picking) or other BFRBs who is member of Skin Picking Support. Minors under 18 must have a legal guardian’s approval to attend.
Special meetings with guest speakers, and for loved ones, will be specified in the event description. Meetings with mature subject matter will be specified, and restricted to members 18+.
◼️ Mute your microphone when you’re not speaking to prevent distractions
◼️ Raise your hand on video to avoid interruptions.
◼️ You are not required to actively participate. You do not have to share information you aren’t comfortable to, and can pass on any question.
⭕ Please be aware of time constraints when contributing, especially if the meeting has many members in attendance.
📢 Screen shots or video recording is not permitted. Confidentiality is a top concern in being able to share openly with other members.
📢 Sharing identifiable information about group members is prohibited and will result in a group ban.
📢 Abusive language will result in a removal from a meeting. Members will not be able to attend future meetings until the issue is addressed. Offensive conduct includes, but is not limited to:
✖️ Racism/ Homophobia/ Transphobia/ Xenophobia
✖️ Yelling/ Intimidation
✖️ Bullying/ Threatening
✖️ Insulting/ Mocking
⚠️ Please keep
cursing to a minimum.
📢 Discussion surrounding politics is discouraged.
If you are unable to attend Skin Picking Support‘s meetings but still want group support, check out the variety of peer-led groups available worldwide here.
Meetings are not a substitute for professional help. Visit TLC’s directory of trained clinicians if you are looking for one-on-one support.